Policies and Procedures

Doctoral Language/Tool Requirement

All doctoral students are required to demonstrate proficiency in a second language or tool subject prior to candidacy.  Students will not be designated as ABD (and thus eligible for Graduate Level III status as a TA or TF) until the language/tool requirement has been satisfied.  Therefore, it is recommended that this requirement be addressed prior to the final two semesters of enrollment in dissertation.

Subscribing to the UNT-composers E-mail List

All active composition students are expected to sign up for the unt-composers E-mail list in order to receive important announcements regarding division activities, opportunities for composers, and other professional information.  The listserv portal may be accessed here: to sign up, submit the requested information and click the "Subscribe" button; to unsubscribe or change your preferences, enter your email address at the bottom of the page and click on "Unsubscribe or edit options." 


  1. All MM and PhD candidates in composition will be expected to give a public presentation of the final document (either a performance of the composition, a presentation of the critical essay, or both) prior to graduation. This may include Spectrum, Music Now, or an off-campus venue (e.g., conference, festival), and may take place before or after the final oral examination. Any presentations on campus are to be coordinated in consultation with the major professor and the Composition Division chair.

Final Document

The exact content of the final document must be clearly specified in the final document proposal and must be approved by the student’s advisory committee as well as the composition faculty. Students are expected to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the UNT policies on academic integrity, as plagiarism is a serious matter that may result in dismissal from the University.
